Whether it be the interaction with people, ideas or technics:
Patience is imperative for overcoming the difficulties and downs that the work on a project might bear. It is more likely than not, that, by letting the problem go or giving an idea a pause to rest, the long-yearned-for solution will manifest by itself. Even though patience does not mean to suffer anything and everything, it is often a great help in guarding the necessary respect and fun to keep on working.
The content of a project deserves to be treated with the necessary respect. It is just as important to respect the people you work for and with. In combination with patience it is the foundation of a positive ambiance and therefore the nourishment for creativity.
The work on a project should be fun. Whether the reason is the team´s good vibe, seeing an idea become reality or that you have had been able to solve a problem: if working on a project is so much fun, that it doesn´t seem to be work at all, one can expect to get the best results. And if clients and the audience enjoy these results with that same amount of fun as the people who worked on it, then everything has been done right.